Have you found some old home videos but have nothing to play them on? Or have you noticed that your tapes are deteriorating in quality? Keep them secure and safe by digitally transferring them to a DVD. "But I don't have a DVD player anymore" A phrase, we find, that is becoming more regular these days. With the digital age taking the world by storm, the need for plugins like DVD and Blu Ray players are becoming less of a necessity, and thus, the need for discs is becoming less too. So in response to that, we now hold a comprehensive stock of USB drives for the ever increasing demand for home movies to be stored digitally. The regular format is MPEG4, a versatile file type, that is compatible with the majority of computers, TVs and media players and by far the most popular. We now produce more home movies in digital format than any other and the outcome is, that they are so much easier to use. We do recommend that all media is backed up, regardless of how you prefer your transfers. It goes without saying, that everything has a shelf life, even memory sticks. We can also send your converted media files to you via cloud transfer. Once uploaded to our cloud, you will have access to your files, so you can download them to your preferred storage point.
Here at DVD Creation we can transfer all of your old VHS recordings to DVD/CD or digitally, as well as your old super 8 and regular 8 cine film, Betamax, camcorder cassettes and audio recordings.
We care immensely about protecting your memories and like to present them back to you in the best possible way we can, so we don't just transfer your memories, once captured, we will scan over the footage and trim out any blank areas and remove any major imperfections before creating the final movie that you can enjoy from beginning to end. We offer a fast, responsive and personal service for your VHS to DVD conversions and will ensure your precious memories are preserved in the highest quality!
We can transfer from a range of formats including:
- Betamax
- Video8
- Hi8
- Digital8
- Mini DV
- MicroMV
Media can be stored on DVD/CD or USB sticks
The latest addition to our service is the video book. A special keepsake for a special video. We simply create or convert your home movie and add it to the book, so that you
can watch it wherever you may be. No DVD player, laptop, computer or smart TV needed, just open the book and it automatically plays. Ideal for someone who is not tech savvy or as a beautiful gift for someone special.